This SS2 traffic light junction is really prone for abuse. I hope the authorities will lend a helping to stop this matters from happening ever again. It is a risk to us all be it, a driver or a pedestrian.
Is this an attitude problem or was it because the driver totally forgot how to queue? Maybe he needs a Primary One student to teach him/her how to queue. The offence here; cutting queue.
Check out what is this car doing in the middle of the road?? It wasnt traffic jam around this area but somehow, he prefers to stop under the bridge and wait on the yellow box for the red to change into green. I can immediately summon three faults to this car doing, one-cutting queue, two-beating the traffic lights and third-stopping on the yellow box.
I guess it shouldnt be titled Walk of Shame, instead it should be Drivers of Shame. I recently captured some shots of cars that loves to cut queue at traffic lights junction. This picture shows cars on my left, is on a lane that has arrows to the left ONLY. Instead, these Drivers of Shame choose to ignore the traffic rules and block cars that want to turn left. This is at a T-Junction in SS23.