Thursday, November 6, 2008

Help!! More problems on my Civic

Three weeks ago I have noticed my air-conditioning is giving me problems. I assume the compressor basically just shuts off by itself and the air will constantly be warm. Imagine having to drive long distance with hot air blowing out from you new Honda Civic conditioner through out the journey? Crazy right? First off all, should a 2 months old Civic gives such crazy problems in the first place? Is it a QA problem? Or is it a cost cutting measure by securing cheaper and less reliable parts? Turning on and off the A/C doesnt help. Reducing the temp to 19 degrees doesnt help. It was like a portable sauna!

Take a side the problems. Now, jumping into the service centers. First I took my car in and explain the problem and symptoms. End of the day, the A/C specialist says he checked and thighten whatever he could. Ask of me to try again, and if I face the problem immediately drive the car into the workshop and show him. Coincidently I was around that service center area, and fortunately the A/C was occurring. Drove to the Honda S/C, asked for the A/C specialist, and he notes that there is a problem but couldnt advise what was wrong. Because it was 2pm then, I opted to come back in the morning (8:30am) and keep the car at the S/C till late afternoon (5pm) before I collect it. At 11:30am, they called me and said they rectified the problem. It was due to excessive amount of A/C gas been pumped in. the A/C specialist says that he has released some amount of A/C gas.

I argued with him politely saying, how could that be because the first time I sent in you have verified everything was good with the gas amount, connection, etc. Why now would the gas be excessive? He said, I can always leave the car overnight for them to further perform testing, but unfortunately I needed the car for work! We shall see if the problem occurs again, as today is the 2nd day after the rectifications.

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